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There is a LeapFrog toy for every infant, toddler and elementary school child out there. In addition, LeapFrog does not only address the educational needs of kids in the English speaking world. It has toys that also come in Spanish and other major foreign languages. Popular LeapFrog educational toys for infants and toddlers include the Learn Around Playground, the LittleTouch LeapPad Learning System, the LeapStart Learning Table, the Fridge Farm Magnetic Animal Set, the Hug & Learn Baby Tad Plush, and the Little Touch LeapPad Library. 

Toys and play, even experts say, play vital parts in children's learning and discovery. Kids' development and learning abilities vary. Some might already be walking at just nine months, while some children learn late and start at only about two years old. There is nothing unusual about this. There are children that are adept at a particular thing, while other kids are more proficient at another. 

As opposed to the common toy, wherein the child is confined to just one activity, educational toys allow the child to explore different subjects and work with different types of learning paces and methods. For instance, Hasbro's Baby Einstein Company has an educational toy line that encourages kids to learn unique subjects like art, music, language and poetry. 

Here are some of the more popular educational toys that have been designed for preschoolers. LeapFrog's Leapster L-Max Learning Game System The Leapster L-Max Preschoolers and even elementary age kids will enjoy this product because it carries several preprogramed games that are both fun and educational. 

Toys "R" Us carries LeapFrog's products in all of its 150 branches worldwide. In order for both parents and children to better appreciate what they are buying, small kiosks are set up in all stores where LeapFrog products are being sold, so that buyers will be able to test the products first before they decide to make a purchase. 

Thus, from infancy, they seek ways and means to develop their children's intellectual and social skills to prepare them for a life of comfort. Indeed, in this day and age, often the only way for a person to advance is to be mentally and emotionally equipped to face the challenges of the world. And since infants are the most receptive to new things, because their minds are still unmuddled and untainted with the ways of the world, they are the best subjects for educational toys.