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In terms of education, the absorption of knowledge in children usually takes in the form of formal and informal learning. Formal learning constitutes enrolling in school or entry to any similar educational institutions. Informal education on the other hand takes place outside schools and is mediated by resources and people outside the classroom. 

You can create different sorts of bridges from ones that just cross narrow ravines and rivers using logs or just rocks, to the extremely huge mile-long suspension bridges of today's time. You start, first, with spanning a realistic landscape of a river using a modern truss bridge out of steel by just using a few bits of gussets and plastic I-beams. 

There is a LeapFrog toy for every infant, toddler and elementary school child out there. In addition, LeapFrog does not only address the educational needs of kids in the English speaking world. It has toys that also come in Spanish and other major foreign languages. Popular LeapFrog educational toys for infants and toddlers include the Learn Around Playground, the LittleTouch LeapPad Learning System, the LeapStart Learning Table, the Fridge Farm Magnetic Animal Set, the Hug & Learn Baby Tad Plush, and the Little Touch LeapPad Library. 

Each toy package has a video, a play guide that gives play hints and a special and exclusive multimedia CD of classical music. A new educational toy is the Leapster L-Max Learning Game System, from Leapfrog. One unique feature is that it is fit for preschoolers as well as elementary school kids. Another is that its preprogrammed educational games wont only be played by your kids in the toy's small screen, it can also be enjoyed in the big screened television just by plugging it to the t. 

Wood crafted educational toys, aside from being painstakingly developed to encourage learning and discovery among children, are also painstakingly created and manufactured (mostly by hand). The fact that most wooden educational toys are hand made account for their bigger value, both in price and in terms of instrinsic worth. 

Makers of toys worldwide recognize this growing trend and are, consequently, coming up with new and improved lines of children's educational toys and games almost every month. What was once limited only to specialty toy and game shops, educational toys and games are now a staple in every children's oriented stores around the world, even at general mass retailers, like Wal-Mart and K-Mart.